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Android用のBLE MIDIライブラリのご紹介

去年から、Android端末上でBLE MIDI通信を使えるようにするライブラリを作っていました。(→前回の記事を参照)
AppleがBluetooth Low Energy MIDI Specification(PDF)を公開していたのを先日見つけたので、その仕様に合うよう実装してみました。

  • AndroidアプリとBLE MIDIなデバイスとが接続でき、演奏やイベントの記録などをすることができます。
  • iOSやOS X上で動くBLE MIDIなアプリとも接続できます。
  • Android LollipopかつPeripheral機能がサポートされている端末では、端末をBLE MIDIデバイスとして振る舞わせることができます。


このライブラリを使うことで、AndroidはBLE MIDI CentralとPeripheralの機能を使えるようになります。

BLE MIDI Central機能とは

AndroidアプリがBLE MIDIデバイスを探して、接続します。アプリはデバイスとMIDIメッセージを送受信できます。
この機能にはAndroid JellyBean MR2(4.3 / API Level 18)以降が必要です。ペアリング機能を使うにはAndroid KitKat(4.4 / API Level 19)以降が必要です。

BLE MIDI Peripheral機能とは

AndroidアプリがBLE MIDIデバイスとして振舞います。アプリは他の端末上(Android, iOS, OS X)のCentralなアプリから接続して使用されます。


MIDI over Bluetooth LE library for Android

I've been developing the library to enable BLE MIDI feature on the Android devices from last year. The Apple Bluetooth Low Energy MIDI Specification(PDF) had revealed at December 2014. And finally, I implemented all of features on the specification.

Using this library, the app can connect with BLE MIDI devices, and BLE MIDI compatible iOS/Android/OS X apps. On the Android Lollipop, the app can act as BLE MIDI device.

This Apple's specification has not been approved by MIDI Manufacturers Association(MMA). I've asked about the specification to MMA at the past, but it was under discussion with MMA members.
The MMA's official release version's specification might be different from Apple's one.

The library's features

With this library, the Android can provide BLE MIDI Central / Peripheral features.

BLE MIDI Central feature

The Android app can host BLE MIDI devices. The app can receive MIDI messages from BLE MIDI devices, and send MIDI messages to them.
This feature requires Android KitKat(4.4 / API Level 19) or later.

BLE MIDI Peripheral feature

The Android app can pretend as BLE MIDI device. The application on the another machine(Android / iOS / OS X) can connect with the Android app.